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1、单词(多是副词),如:besides, however, otherwise, therefore, though等。

e.g. She is looking fit,though.他看起来倒是健康。

I can,however,discuss this when I see you.


e.g. China and India,for example, are neighbours.

By the way, where are you from?


e.g. He is an honest man, I believe.

Jack, as far as I know, isn’t clever.



e.g. You know thatI thinkyou are wrong.我认为,你明白你错了。

Whaton earthdo you mean?你究竟是什么意思?



e.g. He got the news fromnobody knowswhere.他这消息谁也不知道是从哪儿得来的。


下面这种复杂的特殊疑问句,也可认为包含有“插入语”。这种疑问句(有的语法书也称为“混合疑问句”或“连锁疑问句”)常用来征询对方对某一疑问点的看法、判断、认识、猜度或请求对方重复一遍说过的话。口语中出现频率极高。常用动词有say, suppose, guess, believe, consider, think, imagine 等。

e.g. How longdid you sayshe would stay here?

Whendo you supposethey’ll be back?

How olddid you thinkshe was


by the way顺便说,顺便问一下;so far到目前为止;and so on等等;on the contrary相反;no wonder不足为奇;as a matter of fact事实上;come along快点,来吧;in other words换句话说;as usual如同以往;as a result因此,结果。