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本书收录雅思写作A类和G类的近300篇高分范文,题目分类详细,译文精准流畅,是雅思考生不可多得的备考题库 。


第一章为Task 2议论文题库, 包括教育与求职、家庭生活、现代科技、媒体、动物 、环境资源交通、传统与发展变化、政府、平等、社会问题十大类,除了提供精准的译文之外,作者还对文章进行打分和点评,方便考生了解 自己的写作水平,明确拔高的方向。

第二章囊括A类 Task 1的28种图表,帮助考生全面掌握该项任务。



2020年9月26日雅思大作文题目:手机交流对个人和社会的影响Anyone can use a mobile phone to answer both work and personal calls at any time of a day,or even seven days a week.Does this have more negative or positive effects on both individuals and society?


The invention of mobile phone has enabled us to answer both work and personal calls twenty-four hours a day,seven days a week.I believe this has brought more beneficial than harmful effects on both individuals and the society as a whole.With mobile phones,we can get the first-hand information about our family and friends as well as our work in a fast and convenient way that was unimaginable in the past.Before we had mobile phones,we had to spend hours writing a letter and then travelling a few miles to the post office to send it to our friends,and then waited many days for the reply.But now it is a matter of just a few clicks.Yet the increased use of mobile phones has greatly reduced the opportunities for people to engage in face-to-face communication.Without the help of body language and facial expression,the communication over mobile phones may easily end in misunderstanding.Of course,the excessive dependence upon mobile phones for information may also contribute to the estrangement among their users.Obviously,the wide use of mobile phones has boosted the productivity and efficiency of the entire society.Let us just imagine how many lives have been saved because the hospitals can receive information in time about the seriously ill patients from the mobile phones and how many criminals have been caught because the police can receive information in time about the bad people.But with the efficiency and productivity also comes the fast tempo of life that many people find too stressful,and the scam calls are disturbing,and sometimes even destructive to people’s normal life.Fortunately,with proper education,all these problems can be effectively solved.To conclude,though mobile phones can produce some problems for us,their positive effects on individuals and society far exceed their negative effects.