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第一部分 听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30)(略)

第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



Soon enough. we will lose some of the most amazing sites on Earth!

The Great Barrier Reef

Rising air temperatures will cause sea temperatures to rise as well. All life supported by the oceans will be affected with this shock to their ecosystem. Coral are some of the most vulnerable(易受伤害的) marine animals and we are already watching whole reefs disappear. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is no exception and will continue to shrink as the temperatures rise!These reefs are some of the best in the world for diving,but they will soon disappear!


Sprawling across(横跨) hundreds of small islands in Northeast Italy, Venice is at extreme risk of sinking into the Adriatic Sea. Rising sea levels are in fact a serious threat to many coastal cities located at sea level. Lucky for us, however, Venice is developing a series of sea walls to protect the city in times of high tide.

Glacier(冰川)National Park

Glacier National Park was once covered by over 150 glaciers, but by 2005 it only had about 27. Located in Montana, Canada, this park is over a million acres and has a huge plant and wildlife population. As temperatures rise, the glaciers and ice melt, which will upset the ecosystems sustaining over a thousand plant species and hundreds of animals.

The Amazon

The cause behind the disappearance of these fantastic places finally comes down to humans. Our expansion usually requires cutting down forests for land, fuel and materials, but rarely considers the consequences. These forests are sources of food and medicine for just about everyone on the planet!

What will happen if we lose these valuable places and beautiful destinations?


21.According to the text, what is causing coral's death?

A. Rising sea levels.

B. Humans' diving activities.

C. Rising sea temperatures.

D. The shrinkage(缩小) of their habitats.

22. What can we learn about Glacier National Park from the text?

A. It covers a large area in Montana.

B. It is covered by over 150 glaciers.

C. Plant species and animals in it have died out.

D. It doesn't support any living thing for its cold.

23. Which site's shrinking reason differs from the other sites?

A. The Great Barrier Reef. B. Venice.

C. Glacier National Park. D. The Amazon.


David Rees runs a truly distinctive business. He charges customers $15 to sharpen their pencils to perfection, using a variety of tools.

I know what you’re thinking—is this a joke?The 39-year-old gets asked that question a lot. To clarify everything, he even created a special section on his website telling everyone he’s actually providing a real service.

You can supply your own pencil or you can have Rees sharpen one of his own favorite 2B pencils. After that, he mails it to you in a display tube with the shavings in a separate bag, and an authentic certificate which just happens to mention the pencil is so sharp as to be a dangerous object.

To achieve the desired result, the master sharpener uses all kinds of tools, including general sandpaper, pocket knives and even a special $450 sharpening machine.“It depends on what the customer wants to use his/her pencil for,” he says. That determines the most appropriate pencil sharpening technique. Some customers buy pencils as inspirational symbols while others buy them because of their special memories of classic 2B pencils.

$15 to have a pencil sharpened is a bit expensive though, right?You’re not the only one who feels that way, and David’s unique business has really angered lots of people, who talk of inequality in America, saying it is so insane for the wealthy to pay $15 to sharpen a pencil. But others will say, “This is just our urge to put an end to the welfare state because new ideas arise along with the business.”

David admits his trade is sort of unusual. But there are those who actually value his service, as is proven by the over 500 orders he has gotten.

  1. How could David make money by sharpening pencils?

A. He invented new tools for the job.

B. He promoted his skill on his website.

C. He saved lots of time for other people.

D. He provided quality service for his customers.

25. From his words, we can infer that David Rees ________.

A. knows all kinds of pencil users

B. provides personalized services

C. values ideas behind the pencils

D. always writes in pencil

26. What does the underlined word “insane”(in Paragraph 5) mean?

A.Deliberate. B.Rewarding.

C.Unreasonable. D.Irresponsible.

27. What seems to be the author’s attitude to David Rees’ trade?

A.It’s a fancy service.

B.It has a good reputation.

C.It’s awfully expensive.

D.It wastes time and money.


In the most southern part of our planet, there’s a place that’s covered with snow and ice all year round. But it has the clearest and cleanest air. Amazingly, in this place, the sun sometimes hangs even in the midnight sky. This place is Antarctica (南极洲): the coldest, windiest and harshest (恶劣的) place on the Earth.

As the world’s least-known place, Antarctica is of great interest to scientists around the world. In 1983, China joined the Antarctic Treaty (《南极条约》). The treaty made Antarctica a peaceful place for member countries to do scientific research. During 30 years, China has sent many scientists to Antarctica. They mostly look at the resources under the icy land and do research about climate change and marine (海洋的) biology.

Antarctica is a place with fantastic views. However, life there is very hard. Food is one of the biggest problems. Frozen (速冻) food which can be heated easily is people’s daily food. Fresh vegetables are hard to grow in the cold weather. Therefore, scientists often eat dried or canned vegetables.

Sleep is also troublesome. In Antarctica, summer lasts from November to March. During this period, Antarctica points to the sun and receives sunlight 24 hours a day. In order to get some sleep, scientists cover the windows with black plastic cloth to create “night”.

Working in Antarctica is dangerous, especially when meeting gale-force (七级以上的) winds. Sometimes the wind is even stronger than a typhoon. It can easily blow people away. So there are ropes that connect buildings of some research stations. People can hold these ropes to keep their balance in forceful winds.

Although it is challenging to work in Antarctica, scientists’ passion to learn about this mysterious land will never end. It is hopeful that one day they will step every corner of this icy land.


  1. From Paragraph 1, we learn that the Antarctica ______.

A. is covered with snow and ice.

B. rains heavily from time to time.

C. has little wind most of the time.

D. has sunshine during every night.

29. Scientists from China go to Antarctica to _____.

A. find out ways to control water pollution

B. research climate change and marine biology

C. grow plants and vegetables in special condition

D. stop the hunters from killing the marine biology

30. In order to sleep well in Antarctica, the scientists have to _____.

A. wear more clothes to keep warm

B. cover the windows with black cloth

C. connect research stations with ropes

D. eat more fried and canned vegetables

31. The passage is mainly about ______.

A. view of the Antarctica

B. exploring the Antarctica

C. how to survive in the Antarctica

D. climate changes of the Antarctica


What would you like to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? An astronaut? What do you need to do to achieve your dream job? Perhaps you think that studying well and then going on to work hard will get you successful career you want. We are constantly taught that our hard work will eventually pay off.


But a government survey has shown that hard work is not the only thing that will help you to move up the ladder. Two thirds of people believe that who you know matters more than what you know when it comes to social activity. So are the connections that you have more important than your education?


76% of the people in the survey believed that family background is important in influencing your chances of success. They believe that if you are privileged from birth, you are more likely to have a successful career, especially if your family is wealthy.


Even if you don’t have a privileged background, the people you know can still make a difference to your career. Networking is a skill which is encouraged by many career advisers. Some companies run networking workshops to try and encourage staff to meet other people, to communicate and build relationships. It’s a valuable skill.


But the survey also showed something quite interesting. Although most people believed that networks are more important than education, many people put their own career success down to talent, rather than background. 41% of the people said that their parents’ income had influenced their life, but at the same time, another 41% believed that they had achieved their own success.


So which is more important, what you know or who you know? It seems that by working hard and making lots of connections, the answer may be that both are very important.


32. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined part?

A. Practice makes perfect. B. Nothing is impossible.

C. Hope for the best. D. No pains, no gains.

33. According to the government survey, the most important factor to help people move up the ladder is _________.

A.hard work B.education

C.social relationship D.social activity

34. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. 76% of the people think social relationship is most important.

B. 41% of the people believe parents’ income is most important.

C. 76% of the people think family background ranks first.

D. 41% of the people believe they gained their own success.

35. From the passage we can infer that the writer writes the article to _____.

A. stress the importance of education

B. challenge the traditional belief

C. make lots of social connections

D. encourage people to work hard

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


I used to believe that love meant putting everyone else and their needs first, before my own. But now I came to realize that 36. . When you put everyone and everything else above you, you are no longer valuing yourself and your needs. And you can’t be the best version of yourself to the special people in your life. So actually, you don’t love them at your full potential!37. .

Are you physically taking care of yourself? Do you nourish(滋养) yourself with the right foods? Do you get enough sleep and exercise?Are you at a healthy weight and on top of your check-ups? 38. . Now think about how much more you could give to others when you aren’t too tired, you’re happy with what you see in the mirror, and you aren’t on edge with stress.

39. . If you comfort yourself in bad ways and have a negative attitude and energy about you, realize that it’s not just affecting you, but others too. When you aren’t an emotionally and mentally healthy person, that energy pours into everything you do, and everyone you’re around will feel the effects, too.

Be kind to yourself. If you can think of any ways to improve your well-being and love yourself more, start today! Take a baby step towards this. 40. . Move your body in a way that feels good. Take time for yourself to be with your thoughts and without distractions and feel that peace.

A. If not, I bet you probably don’t feel your best.

B. I must give love to myself first and foremost.

C. Here are some things to consider.

D. Are you excited for what your life is about?

E. Perhaps try getting an hour more of sleep.

F. Are you emotionally and mentally healthy?

G. Don’t delay(拖延) anymore.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


From an early age, Parker always said that he would be an astronaut when he grew up. But no matter how much he studied and took tests, he was never 41. to fly in space. 42. , he grew over the maximum age for taking the selection tests. In other words, he would never be able to fulfill his 43. .

Thinking about all the time and 44. Parker had put into trying to be an astronaut, people felt 45. for him. Despite what he was told about having to 46. his ambition, Parker continued training and studying, 47. he was going to have the tests next month.He 48. as he got older, and when he was a very old man he heard that they were doing some very important 49. experiments. For those experiments they needed a very 50. astronaut. Parker, who now walked with a 51. , was the only old man in the whole world who was 52. to fly in a rocket. Therefore, Parker found himself flying in 53. , all with the help of science. It was clear that the 54. gained during those missions helped to cure one of the worst sicknesses for old people, and Parker was 55. as a hero.

Photos of the astronaut with a walking stick and no teeth 56. all over the world, and became a 57. of how you can never train or learn too much. It showed that 58. effort always brings 59. , even though it may not be in the form we had first 60. .

41. A. noticed B. selected C. invited D. permitted

42. A. Secretly B. Suddenly C. Luckily D. Finally

43. A. dream B. task C. need D. belief

44. A. money B. energy C. effort D. practice

45. A. happy B. sorry C. nervous D. calm

46. A. ignore B. forget C. develop D. abandon

47. A. so that B. now that C. as if D. even though

48. A. carried on B. went on C. turned off D. got off

49. A. electrical B. physical C. medical D. political

50. A. sick B. experienced C. active D. old

51. A. map B. stick C. guide D. candle

52. A. planned B. trained C. forced D. allowed

53. A. silence B. danger C. action D. space

54. A. knowledge B. experience C. money D. opportunity

55. A. replaced B. educated C. praised D. affected

56. A. moved B. flew C. spread D. took

57. A. symbol B. mark C. case D. doubt

58. A. desperate B. persistent C. cautious D. apparent

59. A. award B. prize C. result D. reward

60. A. expected B. guessed C. suggested D. proved

第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


I hope I’ve given you 61. clear idea of the schedule for your London weekend, and before I finish, let me just give you some advice which should make your stay more 62. (enjoy). Firstly, please do remember 63. (put) on some comfortable shoes. London is a big place and whatever you do, you’ll find 64. (you) doing quite a lot of walking, so comfortable shoes are 65. (real) necessary. And secondly, let me ask you to please look after your money. Keep it safe at all 66. (time) and then you will not have any unpleasant accident 67. could ruin your whole weekend. You’ll find a copy of your weekend’s schedule in your room. Take a look 68. it and make sure you’re clear about everything. Well, that’s all from me for now. Go 69. leave your luggage in your rooms. I’ll 70. (see) you here again in 15 minuets. Goodbye for now.

第四部分  写作 (共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Saturday, we visited a farm in the countryside. At the first, we took a bus for about an hour, and then we walked there. Along the way, we were surprised to see many different kinds trees, plants and wild flowers we have never seen before. After walking for about twenty minute we finally reached the farm, where we were warm received by the farmers. One of they showed us around the farm, introduced us to different crops. After lunch, some of us fed chickens and pigs or others picked apples. We all learnt a lot about farm. How an unforgettable and exciting experience in our life!


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

注意:1.词数要求100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



21.C 22.A 23.D 24.D 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.A 29.B 30.B

31.B 32.D 33.C 34.A 35.B 36.B 37.C 38.A 39.F 40.E

41.B 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.B 46.D 47.C 48.A 49.C 50.D

51.B 52.B 53.D 54.A 55.C 56.C 57.A 58.B 59.D 60.A

61. a 62. enjoyable 63. to put 64. yourself 65. really

66. times 67. which 68. at 69. and 70. be seeing

