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1.Perhaps, life itself is a process of constantly giving up, giving up the carefree childhood and the expectation of growing up; giving up the beauty of youth in exchange for mature wisdom; giving up the sweetness of love in exchange for the stability of the family; giving up the pleasant applause for peace of mind. When we can give up and live simply and calmly, the trough of our life will be over 。 Give up, sometimes in exchange for more space.

2.Sometimes, giving up is another kind of persistence. If you miss the gorgeous summer flowers, you will surely walk into the autumn leaf Jingqiang. Anything, anyone, will become the past. Don't let it go. No matter how difficult it is, we must learn to leave. If you know how to be grateful, you won't be arrogant because of your achievements, nor will you kowtow because of your unknown place of origin. You should have a plain heart and live a humble life.

3.The fairest is time, and the most eccentric is time. Everyone has the same 24 hours, but in the end they live in a different way. I hope you all work hard to live as you want!

4.I will still believe that the stars will speak, the stones will blossom, and you will arrive after passing through the fence in summer and the wind and snow in winter.

5.Life is a difficult thing, and the pursuit of the life you want is even more so, because you should not only have the courage to face other people's queries and secular challenges, but also have the courage to face the consequences of your own failure. If you do, no one will applaud, but if you can't, you may become a laughing stock for others. Break the rules and dare to bear the consequences. Wish you a wonderful life!

6.The things that make you miserable can make you stronger.

7.Without a bitter cold, how to get plum blossom fragrance.

8.If it's hard to bear the environment, then it's hard to bear it.

9.Swallow the grievances and tears, don't lose if you can't afford to lose, stand up if you can't die, and tell all those who look down on you: I'm fine.

10.Life is not your mother, it will not be used to you, cry again, dry tears, stand up and continue to run.