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0 1 表达个人观点的句型In my opinion /view,We should ……(在我看来,我们应该……)

As for me, I……(至于我,我……)

From my point of view,……(我的观点是)


As far as I am concerned,I agree with the latter opinion to some extent.(就我个人而言,我在某种程度上同意后一种意见。)

0 2 表达优缺点的句型Obviously ______ has both advantages and disadvantages.(显然,_____既有优点也有缺点。)

Compared with _______,_______have their advantages and disavantages.(与_____相比,_______有其劣势与优势。)

Although______bring people a lot of convenience,they have many disadvantages.(虽然______给人带来了便利,但它也有许多缺点。)

03 表达重要的句式It's important/difficult /convenient/possible for s b to do sth .(某人做某事是重要的/困难的/方便的/可能的。)

It plays an important role in our life.(它在我们的生活中起着重要的作用。)

We think it necessary to do sth.(我们认为有必要做某事。)

0 4 表达建议的句式Why don't you do sth.?(为什么不做……?)

Would you please do sth.?(请……好吗?)

Let's do sth. (让我们做……吧!)

You had better (not) do sth.(你更好做(不做)……)